Interior design as an intellectual work: Goals and Constraints


Professor and Assistant, Department of Interior Design and Furniture / Faculty of Applied Arts / Damietta University


Interior design process is considered an intellectual process at the first place. The designer
uses the tools he has learned theoretically and practically during his life and long work
experience. In addition, his personality and potentials affect the design he is working on to
solve the problems existing and to grand a beautiful touch. So the designer combines science
and art in harmony aiming to develop the soul, body and brain of the individual. In other
words, to combine function and beauty dealing the body and the soul.
The designer degree of success depends on the degree of achievements of what had been
mentioned before according to the available facilities. As the design process is an intellectual
process so the designer has to have a vision. This vision comes from his studies, teachers,
environment, personality, etc.
But there are many obstacles standing between achieving the designers work as supposed to
be from the intellectual point of view that is considered a base in design process.
The researcher is trying in this research to clarify these obstacles and how they affect the
design process. The researcher also suggests solutions to overcome them.

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