“Proposed Strategy to Transform the Industrial Workshops for Specialty Garments Education Training Modules for Industrial Production “



Formerly Faculty of Home Economics - Menoufia University Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University Technical Education Specialist at the Ministry of Education Damietta University


Industrial education in the state sector represents a large and indispensable part, and it is considered one of the wasted forces whose energy cannot be fully utilized through the enormous numbers attached to it through the technical education sector with its five-year and three-year systems Therefore, the study programs and curricula provided for such systems have been studied and analyzed in a field framework, the most important of which is the development of some solutions to raise the efficiency of the student or the trainee, in a way that later contributes to financing the Egyptian market in its productive sectors with what it needs from a shortage of trained technical workers working in the ready-made garment industries sector and providing Integrated solutions. By converting the technical school or some classes therein into integrated productive training units within the factory according to the factory’s need for manpower and training all students based on this experience inside the factory and within the various departments, determining the students ’skills and cooperating with the trained entity in order to create a trained generation with integrated knowledge to deal with The factory and the use of the school in a correct scientific manner and the response with the factory in the practical training side based on the actual production of products for the Egyptian market, and accordingly, the result of the experiment is a trained technical worker and a technical student fully aware of his specialization in a correct applied form.


Main Subjects

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