The Effectiveness of Using the Mind Mapping Strategy in Raising the Skills of Students in Clothing Education Course


Assistant Professor, Department of Fashion - Faculty of Home Economics, University of Bisha


My love for God mankind with the mind and distinguishes it from other creatures and the blessing of thinking and contemplation in various matters. The mind is one of the finest features that characterize a person, and because mental maps call for attention to the mind and his way of thinking and how to rely on it in focusing, remembering and developing various skills, which called the researcher to study the extent of the effectiveness of mental maps In the course (dress education) for the third level for female students of the Faculty of Home Economics and the extent of its impact on the development of various knowledge and skills related to the course As mental maps are concerned with the multiple processes of the mind and its ability to take into account individual differences and develop thinking skills. It also helps the teacher to be creative in presenting the learned material in an interesting way, which raises the level of achievement for learners and helps the learner to focus and think creatively and save information for a longer period and the ability to retrieve it, therefore the research aims To use the mind maps strategy to raise students ’skills and academic achievement in the clothing education course The research assumes that there are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the female students for the control and experimental groups in the test for the clothing education course for the benefit of the students who were taught using the mental maps strategy and among the most important results of the research there is a statistically significant difference at the level of (α≤0.05) between the mean scores of the two groups Experimental and control in the post application of the cognitive performance test related to the “dress education course” - for the benefit of the experimental group, due to the effect of using the mind maps strategy with all its teaching activities and strategies. And that this strategy, which is considered one of the educational applications, has a great impact in retaining information better and for a longer period, and it is better than using traditional methods. The researcher recommends using this strategy in teaching different courses because of its many advantages. The research also recommends using the mental maps strategy in other courses and searching for Various strategies to improve the educational process and methods of communicating information.

Main Subjects

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