The effect of using the Gerber program in providing the skills of drawing and grading skirt pattern and the students' satisfaction with it


Assistant Professor, Department of Fashion - Faculty of Home Economics, University of Bisha


The tremendous development in technology and information technology needs to develop curricula and teaching decisions to keep pace with this development and keep pace with the labor market, especially in university education because of its great importance in raising the student's skill abilities, especially in recent times, which was characterized by the ability of students to deal with technology well. Facilitate the use of programs with students, it is necessary to exploit the students' capabilities in this aspect and their attraction to dealing with technology, and the technological revolution has affected the education system and the trend for electronic and distance learning has begun, especially due to the Corona pandemic and the trend to self-learning to keep pace with this technological boom.
The technological development included the ready-made clothes industry, as many electronic programs appeared that are used in the stages of designing and producing clothes, starting from design and passing through the pattern and production to packaging, as the technological development included all stages of the production process and the most important stages included in the technological and technical development is the stage of preparing models (Patterns), beginning with drawing of the model and ending with the process of engaging and cutting automatically, so it is necessary to prepare specialists at a high level of skill, competence and familiarity with what is modern in the field of preparing patrons. Female students ’skills to keep pace with the labor market and the technical development for that The research aims to acquire the skills of drawing skirt pattern by using the Gerber program. The research requires that there is a statistically significant difference at the level of (α≤0.05) between the mean scores of the students of the experimental and control groups in the post application of the note card of drawing skills and grading skirt pattern (as a whole) and at each component of Its components are the most important results of the research. It has been proven that there is a statistically significant difference at the level of (α≤0.05) between the mean scores of the students of the experimental and control groups in the post application of the observation card of drawing skills and the grading of the skirt pattern (as a whole) and at each of its components. The research also recommends the use of multiple electronic programs that are used in the manufacture and production of clothes to train students on them in order to obtain a high quality and efficient graduate that keeps pace with the labor market.

Main Subjects

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