Children's Toys Design Inspired by Egyptian Heritage between Production and Marketing

Document Type : Design and Technology


Children's Toys Design Inspired by Egyptian Heritage between Production and Marketing
Human wealth is an important and effective element in the national economy, the research revolves around the design of products derived from the Egyptian heritage, as the Egyptian product needs a lot of ingredients in order to grow and achieve continuity in the local market, but there are some products that do not enjoy the confidence required by local customers for their lack There are two main components: following quality systems and standard specifications, and following good marketing plans. The role of the industrial designer appears towards studying that problem to find alternatives to appropriate solutions for it, and this comes in conjunction with economic decisions that limit import of all heritage products; which represents the opportunity for Egyptian products to restore confidence between the consumer and the Egyptian product.
Games are classified for children, some of which are important for their upbringing, education, and the consolidation of the values ​​of belonging to him, and some of them work to determine his intellectual destination in the future, and therefore the research focuses on children's toys products due to their heavy import from abroad. This leads to the failure to entrench the Egyptian identity within the minds of Egyptian children, as all the games in the market are nothing but the embodiment of the cartoon films that children watch, which acquire a foreign character, which differs greatly from the Egyptian character.
The interest in designing products derived from the Egyptian heritage can be a good nucleus for marketing Egyptian products in general and toys for children in particular. Which leads to deepening Egyptian thought and consolidating the doctrine of the Egyptian identity.


Main Subjects

  • المراجع

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