futuristic visions for interior designing under the umbrella of a systematic interactions

Document Type : Design and Technology



The twentieth century witnessed major developments in computer systems, technology and information systems, and thus emerged what is known as intelligent housing, which is the beginning of major developments in house building. Such as the use of energy and control of temperature, lighting, sound, air conditioning and communications, and the use of electronic systems in particular in the operation of some parts of the building.
The research aims to develop the interior design through the application of interactive systems to reach the new function of technology in order to save energy consumption and thus increase the user's comfort and access to a level of interaction and understanding between man and the house and avoid the occurrence of many of the problems of traditional housing.
The problem of research is not to clarify the importance of achieving human comfort within the building in which he lives, as well as taking advantage of modern technology in order to reduce the problems found in traditional way.
The objectives of the research are to know the importance of the interactive buildings. As they should be applied during the stages of thinking in the design of the building and during construction, operation and maintenance.
Explain the systems of the interactive buildings and their components, means of activation, ways of interaction with users and with each other.
Main Results Interactive buildings will create a kind of positive transformation. As a new direction it has an impact on contemporary thought. The importance of entering smart systems and digital technologies as one of the fundamental determinants of the design process.


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