Aesthetics of kirigami art in design on the dress- stand by using various materials



Assistant Professor of Clothing & Textile, faculty of Home Economics, Al-Azhar University


Art plays a key role in the field of composition and design on the Manican, it is one of the fine arts that needs an artistic sense, an aesthetic taste and the ability to imagine using the materials of fabrics to express artistic creations in the form of fashion. Furthermore,  as each artist has his own mark in expressing his art with special aspects of recipes leading to Good designs and attractive ideas. The idea of looking for the possibility of combining the technical aspects of the techniques of kirigami, and the design of fashion on the Manican in aim to  reach new ideas combining the utilitarian side, and the aesthetic aspect and the art of kirigami art of fine arts. It works on cutting Flat paper and transformed into a three-dimensional form, whereas, by quoting the art of kirigami can get a variety of effects that are difficult to obtain using the two-dimensional design. However,  it depends on the use of paper and convert it into a stereoscopic form like that of the formation on the Manican, since the art of kirigami could not. In general, it is addressed in the field of fashion and design and in composition with the Manican in particular.    In point of view , we  suggested the possibility of taking advantage of the art of kirigami as a new inspiration in the design of the Manican, which allows the freedom of creativity and experimentation with materials. Moreover, in the process of designing on the Manican it  revealed the comprehensiveness of this art and the extent of its richness of fashion problem on the Manican with each design. It also enable,  the stability of the source that  generated new ideas. On the other hand,  each design became having its own distinctive character and therefore, it was a clear imprint of the art of kirigami with its various techniques on the costumes designed with a modern vision. Accordingly,  with those features twenty designs and formed twenty designs were designed with lines and stories approaching with that artistic thinking, In addition we try to  mix  the use of materials expressing of  some features -on the one hand- with related to the behaviors of change when the recipient of the artwork or the piece clothed economically. Afterword  a questionnaire was done to identify the opinions of eleven of  academic specialists in the designs to  evaluate  and judge our work  to ascertain the extent of the achievement of innovation and artistic creativity in karagami design .  The results show that the high rate of innovation was in side of the designs implemented from paper materials, ranging from (100% to 95.8%) followed by innovation using the raw ones, ranging from 95.7%: 95.8%, followed by The implemented designs of linoleum materials ranged from 94.7%,93.6%, followed by the executed design of aluminum ore where it reached 92.8%, followed by the executed design of the leather ore at 92.5%, followed by the executed design of the raw ness of the chihuahua sized, which reached 92.2%, followed by the executed design of the ore strips Satin has reached 90.6%
The results show that the use of various materials during the design on the Manican helps to innovate more than the use of traditional materials. The single ore had formative potential so it was possible to form more than design. Our results show also design no. (6) had got the highest marks on the results on the acquisition mentioned  by  the opinions of specialists, while design number 14 got the lowest result in the opinions of specialists
The recommendation:
1- The designer should look at modern artistic trends as well as ancient historical origins such as the art of kirigami because of its role in enriching the design process and should take an advantage of it in the field of design and composition on the Manican.
2-we recommend conducting more studies and researches that deal with the aesthetics of kirigami art..
3-We state also that Interest in the study of the art of paper folding as a rich source of innovation in the field of design and formation on the Manican
4- Students will be encouraged to see all the new and innovative materials created in an attempt to adapt them in the field of fashion and design on the Manican
5-Attention to the innovative aspects and provide an atmosphere of freedom during the design to develop innovative and design skills
6-Departure from the usual in the formation of fabrics that may have new characteristics that may be discovered by changing their texture and their juxtaposition with different materials to enrich the field of design and formation on the Manican
1-      Holding training workshops between Egyptian colleges and foreign colleges corresponding to them to learn about the new in the field of fashion


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