Using Animation Technique to Produce A Dramatic Documentary Film Dealing with The Ancient Egyptian Myth (Isis and Osiris ) in A New Formulation ( A Joint Practical Experience for The Students of The Department of Decoration )



Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University


There are many methods of intellectual expression in this era, and many techniques have emerged to document all the surrounding events and developments. The most important techniques used in this field are the two-dimensional and three-dimensional animation techniques, and the many programs and techniques used to implement them. In this research we will highlight one of these The techniques used for the work of a group study project in the Department of Decoration in the Faculty of Applied Arts.
Where the ancient Egyptian mythology (Isis and Osiris) was dealt with and reworked in line with the modern era Using the )Bone Animation technology(
After designing the characters and drawing the required angles and backgrounds were introduced on the program
. (Anime studio)
Where the characters are imprinted and painted and divided into different levels and then put the bones that are used in animation, and this technique is a simple techniques in this area as the design of the characters of the two-dimensional technology is easy to recognize, and was done backgrounds in 3D technology to add a deeper dimension of cadres and increase the plot drama , And it was important to pay attention to some of the elements and details of this era, such as clothing, clothing, accessories and color group distinguished for this period of time to retain the value of heritage and ancient Egyptian identity.
The project aimed at making a documentary film about the Faculty of Applied Arts in its nine departments (it is a collective work of a joint project for the students of the college). The film should include the use of four years of study for students. This was done by designing characters, clothes, colors, In design.
The problem of research is to shed light on the need to link different disciplines and learn about everything new in our world while preserving the Egyptian identity, and we have impressed the importance of animation technology, which is easy to be understood and understood by the viewer, regardless of culture, is the closest and fastest in the delivery of information or The idea for the recipient, as well as the definition of how to produce a documentary film comedy with the need to retain the Egyptian identity and expression and work on how to attract attention to the viewer through the various sound effects and color and motor in this film definition

Main Subjects

  1. أشرف، عبد الفتاح محمد-الخلفيات في فيلم الرسوم المتحرکة-رسالة ماجيستير-کلية الفنون الجميلة-جامعة حلوان- 1989.
  2. الحولي، علیان عبد الله ، القیم المتضمنة في أفلام الرسوم المتحرکة ، بحث منشور ، المؤتمر التربوى الاول بفلسطين ،2004.
  3. توفيلس، ماريت يوسف بخيت، البيئة المصرية کمصدر استلهام لتصميم خلفيات الاعلان بالرسوم المتحرکة، بحث منشور ، کلية الفنون التطبيقية ،جامعة حلوان
  4. حنفي، عبد العلیم ( ١٩٨٢ ) علاقة الشخصیة والحدث بالمکان في فیلم الرسوم المتحرکة، رسالة ماجستیر غیر منشورة، المعهد العالي للسینما، قسم الرسوم المتحرکة، أکادیمیة الفنون، وزارة الثقافة المصریة.


