Realization Taif University students with special needs for community security and its relationship with their participation in volunteer work



1 College of Design and Applied Arts - Taif University

2 Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University


The aim of the research is to uncover the differences between the average scores of Taif University students with special needs in the pre and post application on the community security awareness scale for people of determination, and to identify the relationship between the scores of Taif University students with special needs on the community security awareness scale and their scores on the awareness scale The importance of volunteer work, and one of the most important hypotheses of the research is that there is a statistically significant correlation between the awareness of female students of Taif University with special needs of community security and their participation in volunteer work.One of the most important results of the research was the existence of a statistically significant difference at the level (α≤0.05) between the average scores of Taif University students with special needs in pre and post application on the community security awareness scale for people of determination. The research recommends increasing the interest of all institutions with people with special needs as they have Abilities and skills that can be exploited. Take advantage of volunteer work fields to make small projects in which p < /span>eople with special needs participate by providing them with a guide that helps them to implement these volunteer posts.The researchers also extend their sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who contributed to the completion of this research, foremost of whom are the gentlemen in charge of the Deanship of Scientific Research at Taif University, headed by His Excellency the President of Taif University, His Excellency the Dean of Scientific Research and the Excellency of the Scientific Research Agentsat the University for their funding and facilitation of the completion of Research No. (103-) 441-1) entitled Perception of students of Taif University with special needs for community security and its relationship to their participation in volunteer work


Main Subjects

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