The structure of weft knitted fabrics with tuck stitches and its effect on the properties of outer clothing fabrics



1 Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University

2 Damietta University, Faculty of Applied Arts, Department of Spinning, Weaving and Knitting


The manufacture and production of knitted fabrics represents one of the most common types of fabrics used in the process of producing clothes (which are widely used in various fashion) (1)
Whereas the tuck stitch has an effect in terms of the external shape of the heights and depressions it gives on the surface of the fabric that affect the aesthetic form of the product, and since the hanging stitch has an effect on the shape of the product, the interest in this stitch has been to know its effect on all aspects, whether natural or mechanical.
The material has a great effect on showing the outfit in a decent and beautiful way, because the cloth is the means for implementing the clothing designs, and the compatibility and harmony of the costume depends to a large extent on the type of fabric used. (2)
Viscose, cotton, acrylic and gouge 7 using the hanging stitch vertically and horizontally.
The research found:

The type of suspension is affected by the explosive property, while the suspension type is affected by the rest of the natural and functional properties of the fabrics of the research samples carried out.
The structural composition was not affected by the properties (water absorption, tophering), while the structural composition was affected by the properties (number of columns, number of rows, thickness, weight, topper)

The type of material was not affected by the properties (thickness, weight, explosion), while the structural composition was affected by the properties (number of columns, number of rows, water absorption, toppering)


Main Subjects

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  2. مجدي عبد الرحمن ابراهيم ،  فتحي اسماعيل السيد ، "الألياف والخيوط الصناعية " ،صندوق دعم صناعة الغزل والمنسوجات ، 2005م.
  3. طارق صبحي مصطفى الهنداوي،"تصميم الخيوط المحورية من الألياف المعالجة بمواد ذات القدرة على التحکم الحراري "BCMs" وتوظيفها ففي أقمشة ذکية تصلح کملابس داخلية لاستخدامها في الأجواء الحارة" ،رسالة دکتوراه- کلية الفنون التطبيقية ، جامعة حلوان، 2016م.
  4. شيماء حسين سعيد حسام الدين ،" تأثير اختلاف بعض الأساليب التطبيقية لأقمشة تريکو اللحمة ثلاثية الأبعاد على الخواص الوظيفية للمنتج الملبسي " ، رسالة ماجستير ،کلية الاقتصاد المنزلي ،جامعة طنطا ،2011م .
  5. رشا عبد الهادي محمد ،راوية علي علي عبد الباقي ،" تکنولوجيا انتاج أقمشة تريکو السداء التقنية" ، مطابع الشرطة ، 2014م .
  6. مجدي عبد الرحمن ابراهيم ، فتحي اسماعيل السيد ،"الألياف والخيوط الصناعية " ،صندوق دعم صناعة الغزل والمنسوجات ، 2005م.














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