The Industrial Clusters and their Impact on Furniture Industry Development



1 Director of Furniture Technology Center - Damietta Furniture City

2 Professor of Garment Production Management And Dean of the Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

3 Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


The aim of this research is to identify the concept of industrial clusters, the reasons for their origin and their advantages, and the impact of industrial clusters in enhancing the competitiveness of industrial sectors, and to identify some industrial groupings in similar industrial countries. The experimental method: through the presentation of a "case study" to identify the nature of some models of industrial complexes in the countries of the world. The industrial clusters method was compared with the traditional method in producing an experimental proposed model for a chair, and the results indicated that industrial clusters are better in quality and less in costs and time than the traditional method. The research results shoes that in some countries ​​industrial clusters are considered an integrated model, which is the correct way for countries to succeed in industry for the following reasons:
-        The existence of all logistical services that serve the sector.
-        Geographical grouping of companies with ties in the value-added chain.
-        Front, back and horizontal interconnections based on the exchange of goods, experiences and human resources.
-        The presence of a social and behavioral background that supports this interdependence among all institutions.
-        The presence of a group of public and private institutions and bodies that support this entity.
-        Good division, cooperation, interdependence and interaction between the entities that now exist within the group.
-        An influx of trained manpower.
-        Availability of technology and financial flows supported by the state.
-        Presence in the market.
-        Participation in the objectives, resources and production of the facility included in the cluster.


Main Subjects

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