The Innovative Technology of Forming Acrylic and How to Apply Them to Product Relief Sculptural Works


1 Researcher in the Department of Sculpture, Architectural Formation and Restoration Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Distinguished professor of sculpture at the Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University and Delegate to the Faculty of Fine Arts, Mansoura University

3 Lecturer of Sculpture, Department of Architectural Sculpture and Formation, College of Applied Arts Damietta University


Technology has played an important role, whether in the development of the materials or the techniques, and these various technologies and materials have become an important source for the sculptor to develop his innovative ideas to create a contemporary sculptural product that Complies with the requirements of this era. And Acrylic is one of the plastic materials that can be formed by direct forming, thermoforming, or molded by casting it into sculptural molds.
The problem of search is lies in the limitations of locally sculpting acrylic material on traditional techniques and not keeping pace with the innovative technology. The research suggests that there are new technologies that can be used in forming with acrylic material, and that innovative forming methods can be found that enrich the field

of  contemporary relief. The research aims to try to utilize the Formative potentials of acrylic material and try to find innovative forming methods that enrich the field of contemporary sculpture. The importance of the research is identification the Formative capabilities of the acrylic material and highlighting the scientific and technological development role in finding various techniques when sculpting the acrylic material. The research methodology is based on the descriptive, analytical and experimental methods.


Main Subjects

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