Use the Formation Crochet Capabilities to Make Masks and Costume Accessories for Children


College of Designs and Applied Arts, Taif University


The art of crochet is one of the first handicrafts known to man, as it is one of the main sources for giving different effects and textures to the surface of the fabric, and with the increase of interest in integrating the art of crochet in the field of clothing industry to give the piece of clothing a single aesthetic form, the greater interest was in the aesthetic potential of crochet stitches and their integration with various costume supplements, Crochet is used in the implementation of many different costume supplements for children's clothes, and with the spread of Corona virus and the increasing concern for children's health and care, providing a mask that fulfills the functional and aesthetic purpose at the same time, and using everything new and working on attracting children came the idea of ​​research, which is the possibility of providing masks and costume supplements that work I have to protect the children in the winter by employing the plastic crochet box.
the research problem is evident through how to take advantage of the plastic capabilities in making masks and accessories for children’s uniforms that work to protect against viruses in the winter season. The research aims to employ plastic capabilities in making masks and costume supplements for children working on protection from viruses in the winter season. There are statistically significant differences between the averages of the judges ’evaluation about the samples produced from masks and uniform supplements, the research followed the descriptive approach in preparing the theoretical framework by reviewing the literature and previous studies, as well as building research tools and experimental approaches through the implementation of various pieces of the muzzle, hat and scarf for children, And their number is 20 pieces, and the most important results of the research were the success of the designs produced from masks and uniform supplements (hat-scarf), and the existence of statistically significant differences between the axis of evaluating the designs executed according to the opinions of the arbitrators.


Main Subjects

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