Fine values of Arabic calligraphy in creating designs for upholstery fabrics in line with the modern market

Document Type : Design and Technology


Assistant Professor of Textile Design - Department of Home Economics - College of Education - University of Najran


The research deals with the aesthetics of Arabic calligraphy and its effect on the design of furnishings through the aesthetic factors and foundations and its relationship to the plastic elements that had a role in all design fields. Where the Arabic calligraphy expressed several dimensions of beauty, such as the beauty of clear and the beauty of conclear as it was not far from the art of composition, as this art contributed to approaching beauty. What matters to us here is to benefit from those aesthetic dimensions expressed by the art of Arabic calligraphy and how many are there, and the attempt to approximate and explain them makes us head directly to what the artistic work brings about from an expressive language that affects the recipient and appeals to him aesthetically, since the aesthetic dimension in Arabic calligraphy is linked to creativity and through that The researcher took advantage of the formative values ​​of the customary calligraphy letters in creating a set of designs suitable for use in upholstery fabrics and implementing them on the jacquard machine with textural and materials combinations that fit the designs, then employing them in a manner consistent with the modern market.


Main Subjects

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