The Effect of Using Numerical Control Technology in Designing Ceramics Fashion Supplements

Document Type : Design and Technology


1 Teacher, Department of Ceramics - College of Applied Arts Damietta University

2 ceramics department faculty of applied arts damietta university


ceramics is one of the first raw materials that people use in making their requirements in daily life due to the availability of its materials in the surrounding environment and  it has been used in making fashion supplements accurately for easy assortment, and the ceramics industry has progressed greatly to extend and include many things in the artistic, industrial and architectural industries, it is a craft that enjoys originality And contemporary and ease of dealing with it in the formation process as it is one of the crafts that take time to extract a good product with high accuracy through many procedures, processes and tools, and since the advent of the computer, these tools are constantly developing and creating new patterns of new technologies that depend on the capabilities of the computer in Leading these tools, such as numerical control technologies, and in recent times, numerical control technologies have played a major role in various fields.
In this research, an attempt is made to take advantage of numerical control technology to produce ceramic fashion supplements in a way that saves time and effort to obtain a product with high accuracy to revive this kind of art, by using numerical control technology through a small size numerical control machine (mini CNC Router engraver 3Axis). Using the various ceramic bodies and their raw materials available in the surrounding environment, the ceramic production process can be carried out by means of numerical control machines by drilling directly on the clays or by engraving on plaster molds for use in the production process, as well as to benefit from the advantages of the computer in the design and modification processes. 


Main Subjects

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