The Structural Foundations of The Floral and Geometrical Motifs of The Ceramic Tiles in The Ottoman Period as an Introduction to The Design of Contemporary Ceramic Murals


1 Demonstrator, Department of Ceramics, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University

2 Professor of Design, Department of Ceramics, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University

3 Lecturer, Department of Ceramics, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University


The aim of the research is to explore the aesthetics of plant and geometric motifs in the Ottoman era in Cairo, and to identify the structural foundations of decorative vocabulary in order to obtain designs.
Derived from the floral and geometric motifs of Ottoman ceramic tiles to enrich the ceramic murals. The research deals with the types and categories of decorations that were used in the Ottoman era in Cairo, the structural foundations on which the decorative elements were based, and the stages of the decoration design process, by depicting some examples of various decorations in the Ottoman era. An era in Cairo such as: (The Palace of Muhammad Ali in Manial - the Blue Mosque - Beit Al-Suhaimi), analyzing the decorative vocabulary and rearranging its structural systems to come up with new decorative vocabulary that contributes to enriching contemporary mural designs.
The research concluded that the analysis of the structural and aesthetic foundations of the Muslim artist's formulation of the various decorative units is an entry point that enriches the field of ceramic mural design as well as provided some design solutions by mixing engineering and plant units to open wider horizons in the field of design and production of ceramic murals.


Main Subjects

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