The role of technology in contemporary housing dynamics


1 Assistant Lecturer, Department of Industrial Design - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Interior Design and Furniture - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

3 Department of Industrial Design - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


The new thinking centered in the design of the dwelling to increase the available space in the house and make it more useful, as the research problem appeared that revolves around the answer to the following question:
How has modern technology contributed to the realization of housing dynamics to meet the needs of modern human being?
 And from here came the research idea which aimed at monitoring the types of technology used in moving the elements of the internal spaces to meet the needs of modern human being. the research followed the descriptive and analytical approach, in describing and analyzing household products that depend on technology, hence the need to guide the concept of dynamism in the home through Achieving the characteristics and principles of “static or moving” dynamics to employ modern technologies in design and reach a dynamic, interactive residence governed by the thought of a specialized designer. This thought is based on the link and reconciliation between “space exploitation – technology” and “performing the required functions.” Therefore, the relationships between them are governed by several factors that affect this thought to produce dynamism with technological techniques, and the most important results came that the designer should research about the human needs of his home, and also research the available technology techniques or that could be provided, to reach a technological solution that meets the desires and needs of the individual Inside his dwelling






Main Subjects

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