Folk Stories and Mythology as Inspiration for folk painting between Past and Present


1 Professor of Design, Department of Decoration, Department of Decoration Faculty of Applied Arts -helwan University

2 Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Decoration Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

3 Instructor of the Department of Decoration, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University

4 Teaching assistant in the decoration department Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


folk painting has been influenced by folk stories and mythology so it draws it in its symbols throughout the ages .The popular painter in his painting tells a story inherited from his ancestors or influenced from his diaries, or he tells a myth that he was influenced by, which made his paintings unique with different artistic features that this research studies. Folk art is the art that the masses invented to decorate the elements of their daily life, including tools, joys, or occasions, regardless of their goals and manifestations. This research studies the effect of folk mythology and the story transmitted through the ages on the art of popular painting and how the folk artist translated his beliefs into symbols and shapes that influenced folk art throughout the different ages and made it acquire a characteristic and distinctive characteristic from the rest of the arts around him. The folk artist deals only with subjects that he knows inherited and responds to the needs of the society in which he lives. It is a highly applied art that serves his community and expresses its aesthetic function in a wonderful manner, as it is the origin of the environment that expresses it aesthetically and performs its aesthetic function to the fullest, and what really distinguishes it is that it stems from a distinctive philosophical thought of the artist and society, and this research will shed light on his philosophy beyond This art.

Main Subjects

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