The Structural Foundations of The Floral and Geometrical Motifs of The Ceramic Tiles in The Ottoman Period as an Introduction to The Design of Contemporary Ceramic Murals


1 Full-time professor of cover design and former head of the advertising department - Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University

2 Instructor, Advertising Department - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

3 Lecturer, Department of Printing, Publishing and Packaging - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

4 master's researcher in the Advertising Department - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


Where the research problem lies in the following question: Does the aesthetic role play a significant role in the design of electronic awareness advertising in infographic press? the research assumes that the good use of electronic advertising design elements in infographic press and the employment or interest in the aesthetic role of communication in design leads to the success of the advertising and its performance for the function for which it was designed, in addition to increasing the attractiveness of electronic awareness advertising in the infographic press to the recipient that achieves the required response, the research aims to clarify the importance of the aesthetic role of communication in designing the awareness advertisingt in the infographic press, the electronic awareness advertising contributes to solving the problem of the war on terrorism and activating the development project in an environment dominated by challenges, including critical thinking, Dispute rumors and activate development programs, the research methodology is based on a descriptive approach in studying the research sample that is selected from some countries in the developed world in this field according to its aesthetic standards in performing its educational role, guidance or providing knowledge, The most important findings drawn from the research The importance of using infographic technology in designing awareness campaigns because of its good effect on the recipient’s perception, ease of understanding, simplicity and ability to communicate the idea of ​​advertising, and the aesthetic role of communication is represented in clarity, simplicity, unity of the subject, ease of understanding, speed and effectiveness of communication, support of the cognitive and awareness aspect of the recipient. the most important recommendations of the research are to recognize the value and importance of infographic in changing the awareness of the recipient, directing his behavior and his adoption of a specific issue, forming a public opinion on a case.


Main Subjects

المراجع العربية:
1.معتز عيسي :ما هو الانفوجرافيک : تعريف ونصائح وأدوات مجانية،2014
2. محمد شلتوت الانفوجرافيک من التخطيط الي الانتاج، شرکة مطابع هلا، ط1،المملکة العربية السعودية، 2016.
رسائل الماجستير:
3. مروة محمد سمير محمد "الانفوجرافيک کوسيلة اتصال مرئي في تصميم الاعلان "، رسالة ماجستير، قسم الاعلان، کلية الفنون التطبيقية، جامعة حلوان،2018.
4. ازمور رشيد، قرار شراء المنتوج الجديد بين تأثير الاعلان والعلامة التجارية، ماجستير في علوم التسيير، جامعة أبو بکر بلقايد ،کلية العلوم الاقتصادية والتسيير والعلوم التجارية، تخصص تسويق،الجزائر،2011.
رسائل الدکتوراة:
5. ابتهاج حافظ مصطفي، تخطيط منظومة الثقافة البصرية عبر التمثيل المعرفي للمعلومات في تصميم الحملات الاعلانية، دکتوراة، کلية الفنون التطبيقية، جامعة حلوان،2014.
الأبحاث المنشورة:
6 اسماعيل عمر حسونة :فعالية تصميم بيئة تعلم شخصية قائمة علي الانفوجرافيک في التحصل المعرفي والاتجاه نحوها لدي طلبة کلية التربية في جامعة الأقصي، مجلة العلوم التربوية والنفسية، المجلد ال18 ،العدد 4 ديسمبر ،2017.
المراجع الأجنبية:
Rand Paul, Thoughts on design,1970,P13..1
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مواقع الانترنت: