Critical Philosophy of Design History


1 Emeritus Professor, Department of Industrial Design Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Design Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

3 Assistant Lecturer, Department of Industrial Design College of Applied Arts - University of Bani Sweif


   The research dealt with the basic entrances to Critical Philosophy of Industrial Design History, where the problem of research emerged in the need to address the phenomenon of design history from a philosophical perspective, especially the Critical philosophy of history, Which means the logical composition of historical knowledge of the design phenomenon, and in this sense seeks to scrutinize the research approach adopted by design historians in terms of its logical tools and mental evidence, so the purpose of the study was to clarify the phenomenon of design history in light of the philosophy of critical history in preparation for the renewal of the writing of the history of design with an approach that avoids falling into the problems of the previous ones, as it initially addressed the concept of the philosophy of history in general between Theoretical philosophy and Critical philosophy and differences between them and the science of history, and then it was revealed on the definition of the philosophy of Design History and its approaches and shed light on the philosophy of the history of critical design, and this was done by addressing the rationale and historical explanation in the critical philosophy of the history of design, moving towards the problems of its curricula, to the possibility of proposing a new vision of the history of human creations.


Main Subjects

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