The Possibility of Benefiting from Ground theory to Create a fashion trend based on the golden ratio


1 Professor of Production Technology in the Ready-to-Wear Department and former Head of the Ready-to-Wear Department, Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 professor, And the former head of the ready-made garments department, Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta Universi

3 freelance designer Ready-to-wear section Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University


The research sought to create a fashion trend based on the golden ratio. The current research presented an analysis of some of the foundations of building the golden ratio and its forms, and the adoption of some artists in their famous artworks on it. The research was formulated using the methodology of the advanced foundation theory in the field of ready-made clothes.

This methodology is used when the researcher has some uncertain hypotheses about an issue such as the use of the golden ratio in the field of fashion design.

One of the most important factors of this theory is the societal participation in building and establishing a principle or theory that did not exist before by collecting the opinions of specialists who responded to the questionnaire questions, analyzing their answers and applying their content by implementing clothing pieces and discussing the results as their opinions are rules for creating fashion trends using the golden ratio.



The current research presents two design experiments deduced from analyzing the opinions of specialists; First: Distribute the pentagon shape units or the golden five-pointed star on the basic pattern of the dress and discuss its results. Second: Dividing the basic pattern into golden rectangles, so that the basis is golden, so that it is easy to make various designs on it.


Main Subjects

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