Technology Role in Developing the Concept of Flat-pack Furniture


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Interior Design and Furniture Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Interior Design and Furniture Faculty of Applied Arts - Benha University

3 Instructor at the Department of Interior Design and Furniture Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

4 Master's researcher at the Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


Flat-Pack furniture is a design response that suits the requirements of contemporary society and a fast lifestyle, so global design trends seek to achieve the most fantastic utilitarian value for Flat-Pack furniture. In addition to increasing its flexibility and shelf life through the easy jaw, installation, packing, and storage in the smallest possible space and increasing Flat-Pack furniture and recyclability productivity. Hence the research problem is searching for the modern technology which is contributed to developing the concept of Flat-Pack furniture to meet the diverse needs of consumers?" The research aims to monitor and analyze the technological methods that contributed to the development of the concept of Flat-Pack furniture, in addition to exploring the design standards and materials used, jaw and installation technology, and packaging strategies for some global models of Flat-Pack furniture. The result of the research confirmed that Flat-Pack furniture is one of the most important alternatives to traditional furniture among the contemporary consumer. Due to improved quality, advanced design thought, innovative plastic concepts, financial expenses, and ease of transportation and storage.


Main Subjects

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