The Concept of Bionic and its Effect on Internal Design and Furniture""


1 Professor of basics of interior design Head of the Interior Design and Furniture Department Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Professor of environmental design Head of the Interior Design and Furniture Department Faculty of Applied Arts - Benha University

3 Instructor at the Department of Interior Design and Furniture Faculty of Applied Arts - Benha University

4 Teaching assistant at the Department of Interior Design and Furniture Faculty of Applied Arts - Benha University


The interior designer was interested in the process of simulating nature, he was inspired by nature for aesthetic purposes as well as functionality to address design problems. The term “mimicry of nature” has spread since 1957 AD, but in that era the scientist Jacques Steele “J.E Steele” used a different term for the same idea in order to clarify the applications of natural systems to living organisms in electronics science “BIONICS” electronic design that simulates nature, that is, a simulation of the behavior of living organisms, It examines the interaction between the behaviors of living organisms and electronics, where nature and its designs can be used in the field of technology.
This research discusses understanding the behavior of living organisms by understanding the characteristics of biological systems in terms of movement and response and integrating these characteristics with electronics and artificial intelligence, which is concerned with enabling computers to surrounding stimuli in a way that simulates the response of living organisms in terms of movement, growth, response and interaction with the environment, as well as the science of robotics that  It is considered one of the stages of development of the direction of Bionics science, which is a science that is a reflection of the performance of the vital systems of living organisms, as it controls the formal and functional principles. Bionics represents these principles in accordance with technical rules and their application in the field of interior design and furniture to provide an optimal solution that achieves comfort, luxury and efficiency for humans.  Sensors are also an integral part in the design of Bionics, where they simulate biological systems to create biosensors by simulating (functionality, morphology, principle, behavior), which benefited from the achievements of nanoscience, electronics and biotechnology, which made great progress in the field of interior design.  and furniture.


Main Subjects

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