Analytical Study of Cybertecture of James Law and its Effect on the Interior Design in the 21st Century



1 Master's researcher - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Professor of interior design theories, Department of Interior Design and Furniture - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Furniture - Faculty of Applied Arts, Interior Design - Damietta University


In the eighties of the last century, buildings media technology had  been  unified  with  an  new  idiom  called  Intelligent buildings. In spite of Technology  as  an  important  aspect  in  architecture intelligence, there is many new conceptions appear today according to the response for the users.
From here, Cybertecture emerged as a result of the development of smart architecture, as it is an innovative new architectural vision that embodies the spirit of modern technology and sustainability with the natural environment to provide the needs of society and lifestyles in the 21st century.
The research concentrated on the last attitudes of Cybertecture in a view of the appreciation of modern technical of buildings technology, through the studying of , materials , systems and the external modern   intelligent envelope  cladding, referring to the studying of  the  design  principles of  the  design  basic  and secondary elements use in Cybertecture. The study and analysis of cyber architecture buildings designed by architect James Le Pioneer and founder of this trend..
The research concluded that a list of the design and technological elements to be followed when carrying out building design work was concluded by presenting and analyzing the most important modern technologies and technological systems in cyber buildings that are used globally, thus increasing awareness among local architects of the latest systems used worldwide in this field..


Main Subjects

المراجع :
اولا : الکتب العربية :
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ثانيا : الکتب الاجنبية :
2-        Eco-Tech: Sustainable Architecture & High Tech , "Catherine Slessor, John Linden", Thames & Hudson (November 1, 1997)
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ثالثا : الابحاث والمقالات في المجلات العلمية :
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