The role of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Developing and Improving Product Properties and Achieving Comfort and Safety Factors


Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Design - Faculty of Applied Arts - Beni Suef University


Design is one of the most important areas that work to serve and meet human needs and provide comfort and safety for him by designing products that meet his needs. Throughout the ages, man has tried to design and invent something that simulates the human mind in his way of thinking to achieve more comfort and safety, and through the development in the field of software and computers, artificial intelligence technology has appeared, which has been defined as systems or computers that simulate human intelligence in his actions by means of machines that have the ability To learn, collect and analyze data, and make decisions in a way that Simulated the way humans think. Artificial intelligence systems varied from smart systems that perform specific tasks to systems with self-awareness, which have a sense of self, which gives them the ability to awareness, and this last type is still under discussion. Artificial intelligence technology has been applied in many fields, especially the field of product design, which led to the development of products in an amazing way. Since studies on artificial intelligence technology and its role in improving and developing the properties of products are still limited until now. Therefore, the research aims to focus on the role of artificial intelligence technology in improving and developing the characteristics of products and achieving comfort and safety for humans. To achieve this goal, the research follows the descriptive analytical approach by studying the concept of artificial intelligence, the historical development of artificial intelligence, programming languages ​​for artificial intelligence, types of artificial intelligence, machine learning, stages of artificial intelligence, applications of artificial intelligence technology in the field of product design and development, future applications of artificial intelligence, The concept of product development. By analyzing the previous information, it can be emphasized the importance of artificial intelligence technology in improving and developing the characteristics of products and achieving more comfort and safety for humans. One of the most important recommendations of the research is the need to track designers and researchers with all the research or developments in the field of artificial intelligence technology, encouraging designers and researchers to apply artificial intelligence technology in the field of design to achieve benefit and safety for humans and humanity


Main Subjects

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المواقع الالکترونية:
22-  Retrieved 10/08/2014
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