Biomimicry and its Impact on the Enrichment of Interactive Sculpture in Public Parks


1 Former Professor and Head of the Department of Sculpture, Architectural Formation and Restoration, Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Sculpture, Architectural Formation and Restoration, Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

3 Assistant Lecturer, Department of Sculpture, Architectural Formation and Restoration Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


The research aims to the importance of artistic awareness propagation and aesthetic appreciation of interactive sculptural works among society groups, as interactive sculptural works motivate the viewer to interact and know the purpose of them, the designer's main mission is to deliver his message to the viewer and connoisseur in the best possible way,  In open area in general and parks in particular the designer has to take into his account the different kinds of people who deal with his artistic works, the viewer should not pass through his work without enjoying it. So the most appropriate sculptural work in open area is the interactive one as all categories of the society interact with it. So the research discussed classification of public parks, its contents, how to make use of Biomimicry in production of these interactive sculptural works and how far can the concept of Biomimicry affect the enrichment of sculptural works, The research also discussed the phases through which the connoisseur goes.
The main result of the research is that the sculptor designer has to pay more attention to interactive sculptural works in which both the designer and the viewer are participating to produce them. And to use nature as inspiring element for artistic works so they can reach to the viewer in a smooth and easy-to-taste way. Thus artistic works are enriched, in addition to that artistic awareness and aesthetic appreciation are propagated between segments of the society.


Main Subjects

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