The Role of the Philosophy of Sculptural Rhetoric In Contemporary Applied Sculpture Design


Assistant Professor, Department of Sculpture, Architectural Formation and Restoration Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


The science of rhetoric is one of the most important sciences in language, where writers are distinguished in terms of their expressive abilities, The plastic artist can use his own symbolic rhetorical vocabulary as well as verbal rhetorical expression, The symbol here is on its final image by reflecting the image that expresses it, and this broad meaning often stems from the experience and mental accumulation of the plastic artist that qualifies him to choose his vocabulary and the appropriate symbols leading to the desired meaning, which achieves plastic eloquence, The use of figurative images, such as simile, metaphor, and metonymy, is at the heart of the plastic language, Hence, the research aims to reach the plastic rhetoric in a contemporary sculptural design, and the research follows the applied analytical method, Where the research reached the translation of linguistic rhetoric in international literary works into sculptural rhetoric and using it applied in contemporary sculptural designs.


Main Subjects

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