The Controversiality of the Four Seasons and the Extent to Which it is Used in Enriching the Textile Language for First-Year Students


Assistant Professor of Textiles, Department of Art Education, Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University


Nature is the first teacher that early philosophers and artists learned from, when they tended to define the principles and laws underlying beauty in a work of art. They knew the rhythm in the lines, the harmony in the colors and the diversity in the formation of shapes, as the aesthetic sense and the innate taste of its features had a great influence on the achievement of these aspects. and the consummation of other elements of harmony and order, which may sometimes exist, and may disappear from some forms of nature at other times. Thus, they were able to reach the principles that the artwork is subject to achievement, so that it achieves aesthetic purposes in its ideal forms.
Nature is rich in values, symbols, imagination, mystery and magic. Artists have been an inspiration throughout the ages. They have been diving into its depths, searching and extracting from its secrets since the primitive man in his simple drawings until today. Artists dealt with nature differently, including those who translated it realistic or natural, analyzed the lights in color and revealed the imaginative and subconscious side, and revealed in their works the rhythms, harmony, systems and exclusivity, extracted from nature. Engineering laws and mathematical theories. John Dewey 1985 says, “Art is not nature, but nature modified through its incorporation into new relationships where a new emotional response is generated.
Through his research idea, the researcher tries to confirm that nature is an inspiration for the artist, with its expressive and pictorial values, for a new textile experiment in terms of processing and performance style. And to be an important source of natural inspiration in the preparation and construction of textile designs through the experience of first-year students at the Faculty of Specific Education at Assiut University, applied by the researcher through the influence and changes of the four seasons and their reflection, with the colors of trees being the main element in textile design.


Main Subjects

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-  بيدرمارتينيث مونتا بيث : ت. رانيا هاشم سعد ، الاندلس الدلالة والرمزية ،مؤسسة الفکر العربي ، بيروت ، الطبعة الاولي بالعربية ،2018م ص18 .
- ابراهيم محمد غزالة: "المنظر الطبيعي عند جماعة الفارس الازرق کمدخل للاتجاه التجريدي،" لرسالة دکتوراه غير منشوره، کلية الفنون الجميلة، جامعة حلوان ، 1997 .
- محمود فوزى أنور زهرى : التحولات الفلسفية والفنية فى التعبير عن الطبيعة في القرن الحادي والعشرين کمدخل لتدريس التصوير، رسالة دکتوراه غير منشورة، کلية التربية الفنية جامعة حلوان ، 2019 .
المراجع الأجنبية: Explain-why-earth-has-four-seasons.
المواقع الإلکترونية : کيف-تبدو-لکم-الفصول-اليابانية؟-نقدم-لک/