The Aesthetic Analysis of the Flight Mechanism of Birds and Insectsand their Usages in the Design of Contemporary Kinetic Sculpture


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Sculpture, Architectural Formation and Restoration Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Sculpture and Formation Architectural and Restoration Architectural and Restoration

3 Instructor at the Department of Sculpture, Architectural Formation and Restoration Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

4 Teaching assistant at the Department of Sculpture, Architectural Formation and Restoration Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


Nature plays an important role in the development of sculptureart, and natural assets have become an important source for the sculptor to develop his ideas in kinetic sculpture field to come out of the ordinary to creativity to achieve kinetic sculpture that conforms to the requirements of the times, and the flight mechanism of birds and insects is one of the natural mechanisms that can be used In kinetic sculpture, the research problem lies in how to reach the origin of the design inspiration inthe Kinetic sculpture works to benefit from them in creating designs for contemporary kinetic sculpture.,The research aims to expand the source of inspiration for the sculptor designer from nature in general and from the flight mechanism of birds and insects in particular to help invent new kinetic sculpture designs, and analyze kinetic sculpture works to show how the sculptor drew inspiration from nature.The importance of the research is due to increasing the design capabilities of the sculptor, expanding his awareness, activating his role and responsibility towards using nature as a source of design ideas, and developing kinetic works through studying an aspect of the structure of living organisms, which is flight in birds and insects. The research assumes the study of the characteristics of the flight mechanism of birds and insects as an auxiliary entrance for the sculptor to find contemporary applied solutions for kinetic sculpture,In addition to nature, with its inclusions of birds and insects, is an inexhaustible source of artistic inspiration that can continue to be used as an inspiration for the sculptor designer, the research methodology depends on the analytical descriptive approachand the experimental method.


Main Subjects

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