The Concept of the Interior Design Studio and its Impact on the Efficiency of the Educational Process


1 Professor of interior design theories Department of Interior Design and Furniture – Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Teacher Department of Interior Design and Furniture - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

3 Master's Researcher Department of interior design and furniture Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


The 21 century is marked by a great revolution in thought, technology and education. Despite the development of educational and pedagogical technologies, design education is one of later field. The great development by the technology revolution and the appearance of new tools and techniques change design form and concept. It is necessary to change traditional design studio concept, which affects student's thought and creativity. It made this a heavy burden on the graduates to keep with these new changes. So it necessary to work on continuous updating of the design studio environment, as well as curricula and teaching methods in line with those variables.
The research problem is necessity of trying to increase the educational efficiency of the design process within the interior design studio environment, and make a new generation of more creative designers. The importance of this research lies in presenting the axes that can be followed and applied to improve the educational process of interior design. The research is based on the descriptive-analytical approach by studying studio types, design process stages, student types, educational environment characteristics, skills that a successful studio enhances and modern educational theories and techniques. The research aims to reach the best educational environment that prepares students for professional practice.
The search yielded some results. Choose studio environment type, consider students' types, understand the design processand ensure that educational environment characteristics are best achieved to enhance students' skills. With apply of modern educational theories, strategies and techniques in line with educational situation


Main Subjects

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