Integrating Of Building Information Modelling into the Curriculum of Interior Design Students


1 Professor of Design Fundamentals and Head of the Department of Interior Design and Furniture - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Lecturer, Department of Interior Design and Furniture - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

3 Researcher at the Department of Interior Design and Furniture - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


Building information modelling is considered one of the modern technologies in the building and construction industry, since the role of the interior designer is important within projects, whether independent or multidisciplinary. It was necessary to research a clear teaching method that helps in adding complementary studying programs for students of interior design to help them to know the dimensions of this technology and be prepared for the market developments and to get a better opportunity to work, especially in multidisciplinary projects that require the designer to understand the nature of collaborative work through this technology with a presentation of the current situation of teaching Design technology in Egypt. During the research a set of methods for teaching were presented, whether through independent curricula or within a collaborative design studio between the same specialization or different disciplines to show the means of building information modelling according to the nature of the tasks required by the interior designer and includes a presentation of other curricula in universities around the world, including Arab universities and the global development for adapting building information modelling during the various academic stages along with the student’s understanding of the processes and tasks of interior design with recommendations on integrating complementary courses for design education in the faculties of applied arts in both Helwan and Damietta University as part of the bachelor degree course for studying interior design with various functions and activating the role of the designer through academic adoption of applied projects.


Main Subjects

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