Protective Clothes for Workers of Furniture City in Damietta


1 Assistant Professor, Ready-to-Wear Department Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Professor of Garment Design in the Ready-to-Wear Department Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University


Damietta city is characterized by global fame in furniture industry. Egyptian government gives a great attention of this industry. So it establishes in Damietta city one of the biggest national projects, which is furniture city in Damietta. Regarding to the importance of this project, and based on the university's duty to serve the community, it was the duty of Damietta University to participate in this important national project.
Furniture workers suffer from some occupational risks and injures. Their clothes can be torn and cut in certain areas of the clothes as a result of exposure to friction and various stresses.
This study was applied on final grade students of ready-made garments department, applied arts in Damietta University in part of their graduation project, to design and manufacture protective clothing for workers of furniture city. After studying the risks, they are exposed to and designing clothes that protect them from it. Gabardine fabric was selected to make these clothing, because this fabric has twill weave which characterized by durability and strength.
The protective clothing achieves safety and protection for furniture workers from occupational risks. Designs and Protective equipment characterized by suitability the performance of furniture workers, giving aesthetic and functional values of these kinds of clothing.


Main Subjects

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