Folklore Symbols as an Egyptian Identity in Advertising Design to Achieve Communication Goals


Instructor, Department of Advertising - Faculty of Applied Arts - 6th of October University


The visual elements in advertising play an important role, in order to provide the best persuasive message about the product or service. The advertisement reflects and depicts reality on the one hand and shapes it on the other. It reflects the culture of its society, its political, economic and social orientations, and its artistic taste. Popular symbols are among the visual elements that advertising is concerned with and employs. In line with the nature of the advertised product or service, and one of the sources of the Egyptian visual identity inherited through different ages, civilizations and cultures. It emphasizes the environmental customs, traditions and myths that emanate from the spirit of the group and are linked to the life of the group and peoples, history, and legend. It is also considered the outcome of popular culture that has accumulated over the life of humanity and what the people have accomplished over the ages. The recipient has become exposed to new advertising ideas and methods to change his directions and broadcast values ​​and customs related to the identity of our Arab and Egyptian societies, including the use of folklore symbols in advertising, which the designer uses to express the feelings, emotions, ideas and beliefs of the community and to provoke a set of emotional responses to attract the attention of the recipient, and influence his behaviour through his feelings where the emotion affects the way to deal with the products and services advertised.
The problem of the research is to study how to take advantage of popular symbols in influencing the Egyptian identity of the recipient by emphasizing the relationship between the culture of society and the advertised product in achieving the communication goals in the advertisement.
- What is the effect of popular symbols on emphasizing the Egyptian identity of the recipient?
- How to express using popular symbols in advertising design to achieve communication goals?
The research aims to study the dimensions of the impact of popular symbols in advertising on the Egyptian identity of the recipient through advertising ideas and methods in a new visual formulation that works to change the trends of the recipient and broadcast values ​​and customs related to the identity of our Arab and Egyptian societies. Research results: -The role of the various advertising media in promoting and consolidating popular symbols as one of the mechanisms for reviving and strengthening the Egyptian identity and bringing about a change in the recipient's attitudes.
- Employing popular symbols in advertising to provoke a set of emotional responses to attract the attention of the recipient and influence his behaviour in the way of dealing with the advertised products and services.
- The popular symbols are among the visual elements that advertising is concerned with and employ them in line with the nature of the advertised product or service. Search recommendation is to Focus on employing authentic Egyptian folklore symbols that aim to provide the best persuasive message about the advertised product or service, as the advertisement reflects the culture of its society and its political, economic, and social orientations.


Main Subjects

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