Variety of Constructing Geometric Decorative Friezes of Al-hadba Minaret of the Great Mosque of Al-nuri


Teaching - Department of Arabic Calligraphy and Islamic Decoration Institute of Fine Arts in Iraq


The Arab Islamic world is famous for having many religious, civil and military architectural monuments؛ Architecture has long been described as “a mother of the arts” and was accompanied by drawing, sculpture, Arabic calligraphy, and ornaments of all kinds, engineering and vegetation, and it is considered a decorative icon that distinguishes Arab and Muslim arts There were many methods of implementation, so wood was used in shaping, plaster spaces, stones, and so on؛ And the topic of our study here is the diversity in the architecture of the riyaza of the decorative engineering unit And the subject of our study here is the diversity in the architecture of the friezes of the geometric decorative unit, which was decorated and decorated with religious architecture, specifically the study of the diversity in the decoration of the friezes The decorative (strips) executed using bricks for the body and base of the minaret of the Great Mosque, known by its famous name (Al-Hadba Minaret), which is located in northern Iraq, specifically in the city of Mosul. Its construction dates back to the fifth century AH, which began in (566 AH.. 1171 AD) and was completed in (568 AH..1173) and It was built by King Atabaki (Muhammad Nur al-Din al-Zanki).
The aim of studying the decorations of Al Hadba Minaret is that it is an architectural element of the historical Islamic architecture in the Iraqi civilization, and that it is of enormous decorative and geometric richness. Also from another standpoint, which is the definition of the present and future generation with the cultural and architectural richness that is rich in those Islamic decorative vocabulary; By studying the Al Hadba Minaret, adopting the historical and descriptive approach of those decorative friezes that adorn the cylindrical hull of al-Hadba’ Minaret, in addition to those decorations that surround the four (eastern, northern, southern, and western) facades of the prismatic base from which the cylindrical minaret of the al-Hadba minaret in the mosque emerges. Great. The humpback minaret and its decorations, we infer that:
With a decorative diversity for the geometric decorative unit, the decorative, architectural and construction designer was able to show it in the best way; The skill of the builder was noticed when paving the bricks, to show the decorative design in an accurate and clear manner, despite the height of the towering minaret. Universities, institutes, associations, and colleges concerned with this field of architecture and art must meet and work on re-studying those decorative vocabulary and returning them to fixed principles and individualizing them and drawing them professionally to benefit from their teaching to students of specialization in order to preserve this decorative cultural richness in a country like Iraq.


Main Subjects

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المراجع الاجنبية:

17) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Islamic Art and Geometric Design, New York, Yale University, 2004.

مواقع الانترنت:

" (18 (تاريخ الوصول 10. 10. 2021).