The art of Material Synthesis as a Creative Influence in Shaping Fashion on the Mannequin


Teacher in the Department of Ready-made Clothing - High Institute of Applied Arts - Fifth Assembly


The phenomenon of synthesis reflects the thought and culture of the age. The idea of ​​synthesis of materials lies behind access to expressive and artistic value in the field of plastic arts, in addition to that it reflects the freedom of the designer to use all possible materials without linking to traditional methods to communicate his design ideas through them. And the art of fashion formation on the mannequin is a formation method that belongs to the plastic arts, which depends on the use of a material or a group of plastic materials formulated in a way that reflects the thought and philosophy of the fashion designer, which provides more than an opportunity for creativity in fashion design and devising formulations for the dimensions of the woman’s body in the void in a way that goes away from traditional patterns to form from The woman’s body in space is a modern sculptural work drawn from the modern art of stereoscopic formation The processes of building the plastic relations of fashion on the mannequin through multiple materials and varied in terms of shape, color and texture is very vital in the contemporary artistic trends of fashion in terms of “form and value”, which should have an artistic goal related to harmony and unity between the harmonious materials, then it is a means to achieve An artistic value of fashion that ultimately leads to the enrichment of each of the materials included in the synthesis, as they were united into one unit and became a new entity. The idea, especially if he used the formation method on the mannequin.



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    ثانياً : مواقع الإنترنت :

    10. http://www.Rei Kawakubo .com

