Employing 3D Printing Techniques to Enrich Innovative Design Thinking of Three Dimensional Advertisings


1 Lecturer at the Faculty of Applied Arts - Advertising Department - 6th October University

2 Lecturer at the Faculty of Applied Arts - Advertising Department - Higher Institute of Applied Arts in the Fifth Settlement


3D printing technology is one of the most important technologies that contribute to the development of many fields in various aspects of life, and it is a form of additive manufacturing, which is used to simulate any three-dimensional or stereoscopic model and create an exact copy of it on the ground, in addition to The development and printing of untypical shapes with unlimited scales, although this technology remained in most cases limited to the production of primary samples to be subjected to testing in industrial establishments and then developed before it goes down to typical production lines. The research deals with the study of employing these technologies as one of the important technological tools in providing innovative three-dimensional solutions in the design and implementation of holographic advertising and enhancing the creative thinking of the designer.
The research problem: There is no clear vision of what 3D printing techniques can provide an added aesthetic value in advertising design for achieving visual attractiveness, serving the content of the advertising message, and improving the interaction required between the consumer and the product, also improving the demand for the purchase process, which in turn affects the promotion of products and different services. Hence, the importance of research is to keep up with the most important global trends in product marketing and improve competitiveness between different product markets,
Objectives of the research: To identify the technology of 3D digital printing and its uses in innovative advertisements that are difficult to implement in traditional methods and to enrich the innovative ideas used in the design of 3D advertising so that they have the ability to compete in the field of 3D advertising design.
The research methodology: A statistical anylisis was made based on questionnaire to extract customers' opinions about the three-dimensional digital technologies and to determine the technical methods that mostly used. So, the adopted research approaches in this study were the descriptive, analytical, and investigative approaches, due to their relevance to achieving the research objectives.
The most significant results of the research indicated the importance of employing modern technologies, including 3D printing to improve the efficiency of advertising display which depend on the inspiration of new innovative ideas, and mixing elements of advertising with two-dimensional and three-dimensional advertising elements in a single visual system which achieves a degree of excitement and attention, leading to increased interaction between the design product and the consumer and contributes to enhancing the competitiveness of the producing companies and marketing products well. Therefore, this research suggests studying marketing and psychological aspects related to consumers, so that designers can design new advertisements by using three-dimensional printing technology according to the consumer and the material capabilities of organizations. Furthermore to keep up with the new trends associated with modern technologies to bring about the required innovation in advertising and take into account the appropriate economic aspect in terms of design, implementation, and production


Main Subjects

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  2. سھى محمد شریف "العلاقة بین الھویة المؤسسیة (البراند) وسلوك المستھلك السعودي في الإعلان كنشاط إتصالي تسویقي "، رسالة ماجستیر، قسم الإعلان، كلیة الفنون التطبیقیة، جامعة حلوان،، 2012.
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  4. هود ليبسن وميلباكارمن، ترجمة زياد ابراهيم الطباعة الثلاثية الابعاد-ميلاد ثورة صناعية جديدة، ،مؤسسة هنداوى للنشر،2013.
  5. عبد الرحمن محمد أحمد السيد ،الطابعات ثلاثية الابعاد وعلاقتها بمجال طب الاسنان، كلية الهندسة، جامعة الاهرام الكندية، 2020، ص20،29،30.
  6. هيثم محمد جلال، التقنيات الرقمية تشارك فى عملية التصميم وتدعمها، مجلة الفنون والعلوم التطبيقية،2018،المجلد الرابع، العدد الرابع، ص123-124.
  7. نيفين محمد احمد الرفاعى، استنباط معايير فنية جديدة باستخدام فنون الانامورفيک و توظيفها في تصميم افکار مبتکرة في اعلانات الطرق الخارجية. مجلة الفنون والعلوم التطبيقية،2015، المجلد الثانى- العدد الأول، ص232-240.


المراجع الأجنبية:

  1. Grubor, Aleksandar & Ilovanov ,Olja "Brand Strategies in the era of sustainability Sebia", University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics in Subotica Subotica, Republic of Serbia , 2017 .
  2. Mark Yi-Cheon Yim, Vincent J. Cicchirillo, and Minette E. Drumwrigh, The impact of stereoscopic three-dimensional (3-D) advertising: The role of presence in enhancing advertising effectiveness, Journal of Advertising, June 2012.
  3. Javed Hussain and Rizwan Khan Nizamani, Factors Affecting Consumer Attention in Billboards Advertising, South Asian Journal of Management Sciences Vol. 5, No. 2, (Fall 2011), 60 – 64.
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