The Role of African Art as a Cultural Heritage in Enriching Contemporary Interior Design


Assistant Professor of Interior Design and Furniture - Higher Institute of Applied Arts - Fifth Settlement


     African art is considered as a symbolic art, it has a special character which is characterized by simplicity and abstraction, it carries with it many aesthetic values that express the outcome of the African artist's interaction with the surrounding environment to satisfy his spiritual and material needs. Despite its value as a cultural heritage, it did not gain attention. Here lies the research problem in the lack of use of African symbols and their use in interior design. Therefore, the research aims to emphasize the importance of the role of African art as one of the important cultural and civilizational influences in achieving new innovative artistic visions that enrich contemporary interior design. The importance of the research is due to shedding light on African art as a rich source for designers in general and interior design in particular. The research followed the descriptive-analytical approach, by analyzing the symbols of African art by presenting examples of it. And the experimental approach by creating some design ideas that depend in essence on decorative units borrowed from African symbols and using them in the field of interior design and furniture. The study showed that African art has a major role in enriching the design process and supports the interior designer in creating innovative designs with a contemporary vision.


  1. أولا: الكتب العلمية

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    ثانيا : الأبحاث العلمية

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    ثالثا : الرسائل العلمية

    1. عواد، عائشة حسن، "الرمز فى فنون غرب افريقيا والَإستفادة منه فى تصميم أقمشة السيدات"، ماجستير، فنون تطبيقية، جامعة حلوان 1997 .

    رابعا: الكتب الأجنبية

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    خامسا: المواقع الإلكترونية

    1. Date:september10,2021
    2. Access Date:september15,2021
    3., Access Date:November10,2021
    4. Access Date:November 8,2021
    5. Access Date:October17,2021
    6. Access Date:November12,2021
    7. Access Date:september20,2021
    8. Access Date: October 21,2021
    9. Access Date:November25,2021
    10. Access Date:November30,2021
    11. Access Date: October 28,2021