Study The Application of Interactive Furniture in Contemporary Interior Design


Assistant Professor at the Department of Decoration at the Higher Institute of Applied Arts on the sixth of October


The world witnessed a scientific and technological development, and it was called the era of digital technology in both the field of interior design and furniture , Which led to the advancement of various devices and systems that are reflected on the furniture and which showed interactive furniture, which shows the basic idea of ​​the interaction between humans and furniture.
As the design of furniture and its relationship to the new concepts of interior design was clearly affected, the term interactive furniture appeared, as this type of furniture depends on integrating sensors and a very small data processor inside the furniture, It interacts with the user by taking advantage of scientific and technological development and using it in the manufacture of interactive furniture, which is furniture that interacts with contemporary human and design requirements through the use of digital technologies, smart systems and information technology, Which provides the highest degree of luxury and comfort, and enables it to perform more than one function.
Furniture is also one of the most important elements of interior design, as it is an inseparable part of the design of the space , Whereas, technological progress and scientific development is not limited to the interior design of the house only, but is reflected in the design of furniture to face technological development such as smart homes in modern architecture.
The research problem is the failure to benefit from the digital technological development "interactive furniture" in the interior design of the contemporary house.
The aim of the research is clear from shedding light on the basic idea of ​​the interaction between humans and interactive furniture through technological and digital developmen, and a study of furniture design being affected by the digital revolution and modern software, and this became clear with the emergence of the term interactive furniture.
As a result of the research, it sheds light on the possibility of creating interactive furniture that is compatible with the user for pieces of furniture.


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المواقع الإلكترونية:

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  4. floor plan light switch –

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