The Relationship between Funerary Architecture and Pharaonic Tombstones and the Extent to which they were used in Innovation a Contemporary Monument


1 Assistant Professor at the Department of Sculpture, Architectural Formation and Restoration and Acting Head of the Department Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

2 Lecturer in the Department of Sculpture, Architectural Formation and Restoration - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

3 Demonstrator at the Department of Sculpture, Architectural Formation and Restoration – Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


The funerary architecture, which the ancient Egyptians called the architecture of the other world, and sculpture had an important role in funerary architecture, as the ancient Egyptian belief in resurrection and immortality, Therefore, the ancient Egyptian was interested in placing everything he needed in the afterlife, such as the tombstones that were engraved with symbols to pray for the deceased, this indicates that the tombstones are considered part of the funerary architecture. The aesthetic values found in pharaonic tombstones have an important role in designing contemporary memorials. we find the sculptor designer interest in emphasizing the heritage in every civilization in sculptural works, so the necessity of emphasizing the idea of applying heritage as a comprehensive term that accommodates everything related to artistic work and this appears in the tombstones,so The research problem lies in the interpretation of the aesthetic values found in the tombstones, and how to employ them in the design of contemporary memorials. The research aims to: Expand the source of inspiration for the sculptor designer to benefit from the aesthetic values in the tombstones and to highlight the role of the sculptor designer in documenting the events through sculptural works such as memorials. The importance of the research is due to: shedding light on the aesthetic values found in the tombstones. The research assumes: that the aesthetic values found in the tombstones are a source of inspiration for contemporary memorials to document contemporary historical events. The research depends on the historical methodology analytical description, and experimental methodology.


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