Kinetic Illusions as a Contemporary Design Trend for Relief Sculpture.


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Sculpture and Architectural Formation, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University

2 Assistant Lecturer, Department of Sculpture and Architectural Formation, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University


The art of relief sculpture in the current era has been affected by all the previous civilizations and thought, and witnessed technical development in the implementation of sculptures, from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution to the technological development that dominates our current world. However, this current development specializes more in the technical aspect of implementation, which affected the design and gave new solutions to implement more complex forms, but this development concerned some technical solutions to implement the forms only. From this point the research problem appears, as it is that despite Evolution The relief design still lacks to put a new methodology at the heart of the sculptural design thought in a different way than before. The research assumes that it is possible, through the study of visual perception processes, to benefit from the phenomenon of optical deception in developing a new thought for the design of relief sculpture as a contemporary development stage for this art, especially the kinetic illusion that emerges in the form of the inertia of the visual or mentally perceived movement with optical illusion. The research aims to study the process of optical illusion and benefit from it to achieve kinetic illusion in the relief sculpture within the scope of the fourth dimension as a contemporary design trend. The importance of the research is due to the opening of a design field and a new vision for the art of relief sculpture in the field of optical deception, and the use of studies of the foundations that controlling kinetic illusion to develop the design thought of the art of relief sculpture. The research methodology relies on the descriptive analytical method and studies the foundations and theories of optical deception and concepts of the fourth dimension


Main Subjects

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