Develop the Designer Creative thought for Upcycling Culture from the Vision of Industrial Design


Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Industrial Design Faculty of Applied Arts - Beni Suef University


The past few years have witnessed a growing interest in the environment, the availability of resources and waste volumes, resulting in growing environmental awareness about the urgency we need to face environmental challenges and an increased understanding of the mechanisms to achieve sustainability, and this requires the participation of various competent authorities in the transition to a more efficient society by adopting the upcycling concept that increases the quality and life of materials, products, reduces waste, create job opportunities, and encourage sustainable consumer behavior. However, upcycling requires a great deal of specialized practice and a systematic understanding of the challenges and success factors related to expanding the upcycling business.
Industrial design is an important modern field that is related to all the products, systems, and services that surround humans. It is an important field that contributes effectively through its ability to innovate, design, and develop projects that meet human needs, requirements and maintain sustainability.  Therefore, this research adopts the vision of the industrial design field in spreading Upcycling culture as a way to preserve the environment providing creative ideas useful by repairing products and used materials or waste, reusing, redirecting, innovatively remanufacturing them, and transforming them into New products & commodities. To reach the philosophy of environmentally friendly design as one of the modern trends in the industrial design field. To achieve the research objectives, this was applied to second-level students, Department of Industrial Design, Faculty of Applied Arts, Beni Suef University, and 6th of October. The results clarified the role & vision of industrial design in developing the creative thought of the designer's Upcycling culture by presenting innovative ideas & designs from a sustainability concept.


Main Subjects

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  13. WllyNWR2RDh4UmNIM1dva2ZzVHVGaWMyRG0mcD0wJm49VTFHY1g3ZEg0TGx2WHE4c1ZuSTNmdyZ0P UFBQUFBRi1lNm93