Convertibility of Sheep Wool in the Northern Region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia into Textiles


1 PhD Researcher, Department of Fashion and Textiles, Faculty of Human Sciences and Designs, King Abdulaziz University, and Lecturer, Faculty of Design and Arts, University of Tabuk, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

2 Professor of Garment Manufacturing, Faculty of Human Sciences and Design, King Abdulaziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Many countries seek to take advantage of environmental and animal waste and use it in many industries, such as the manufacture of organic fertilizers and others.  Sheep are one of the most important animal resources in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The northern region is considered one of the most important regions in the Kingdom in raising sheep. The wool is usually sheared from one to two times annually, leaving hundreds of tons of raw wool, which is disposed of by throwing it in the valleys or burning it.
Therefore, the importance of this study lies in contributing to the realization of Vision 2030, which stipulates ensuring environmental sustainability in its first axis (a vital community) by protecting the environment from damage resulting from wasted raw materials.
In addition to contributing to the realization of the Kingdom's Vision 2030 through its second axis, "a prosperous economy", by promoting industries based on local raw materials.
The study aims to classify wasted sheep wool in the northern region of Saudi Arabia
In this study, the descriptive approach and the quasi-experimental approach were followed.
One of its most important results is that sheep's wool wasted in the north of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia can be used in the production of coarse woolen clothes such as men's mashlah.
One of the most important recommendations is to direct the attention of investors towards sheep's wool
  wasted in the north of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and benefit from it and urge to do more research related to local wool and its use in the clothing industry.


Main Subjects

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15- 2030

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