Readymade Garments Market in Europe Strategies and Standards for Marketing Egyptian Clothes in the Turkish Market


Lecturer at the Department of Fashion and Textiles, Faculty of Design and Creative Arts, Al-Ahram Canadian University


People's concern with importing, regardless their nationalities and cultures, is considered as a very important point that can be based on in developing ready-made garments exported abroad. The difference between Arab and Foreign styles does not mean focusing on one style only and fulfilling its needs. Rather, it can considered as a motif to multiply the forms and designs of the products to keep up with local and international styles. Realizing the competitive advantages that distinguish the clothes promoted internationally, is not the main factor affected the design of the Egyptian ready-made clothes exported abroad. But the markets to which the clothes are exported shall be studied well to know the styles of their customers and study them, as well, then designing and manufacturing the garments compatible to the international standards on one hand and the customers' style on the other hand.
The researcher sees, through studying the Turkish market, that entering within the foreign markets is not an easy process especially the Turkish garments markets that holding a higher competitiveness as well as having the ability to attract various categories of the customers. In addition, the Turkish market adopts special strategies that render it as the most powerful ready-made garments' market in Europe. Hence, moving to the international markets needs to customers and market's study as well as fashion approach to select the appropriate. In addition, the products shall fulfill the needs of large share of customers on the level of the foreign country with distinguishable designs through updating the information surrounding the designing process continuously to ensure its survival among the powerful competition of the available designs for surviving and continuing, consequently achieving profits.
The research aims at making an appropriate strategy to enter within the European markets starting from analyzing its internal marketing environment and knowing its contents in terms of strength and weakness points via knowing the components of the marketing environment. Thus, this would be achieved through analyzing some brands existed in the Turkish market in a trial to reach the cultural and environmental designing standards and solutions to develop Egypt garments' exportations.


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