The Psychological Impact of the Formal Vocabulary of the Egyptian Heritage Elements to Promote Cultural Tourism Advertising


Assistant Professor at the Department of Advertising – Faculty of Applied Arts – Benha University


Soft powers have a positive role in influencing global complexes and developing the strategy of tourism and cultural promotion for Egypt locally and globally in accordance with international standards that serve the sustainable development plans of the Egyptian state. Taking advantage of the psychology of form in the Egyptian Nubian folklore and designing advertising posters inspired by it with the aim of promoting cultural tourism advertisement will affect the richness of elements The culture and visual arts resulting from the cultural diversity that extends over thousands of years, making the homeland a global destination for creativity, which directly contributes to supporting the national economy, in which state institutions join forces to implement the existing sustainable development plans, considering tourism as one of the sources of national income, and in a way that emphasizes Egypt’s long-standing civilization, diversity and cultural diversity.
The problem of the research was not to shed light on the distinctive Nubian folklore of Egypt on the western arena. And for Nubians outside and inside Egypt to reflect its civilized history and reflect the image of stability and development for the country, considering tourism as one of the sources of national income, and emphasizing Egypt’s long-standing with its civilization, diversity and cultural pluralism.


Main Subjects

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