Design Thinking as Gateway to the Development of the 21st Century Skills of the Students of Ceramic Art Dept. at the Arts Colleges


Assistant Professor of Ceramics - Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University


This research aims at learning about the concept of design thinking، its roles in promoting creativity and innovation in problem-solving and other skills of the 21st century، its pioneers، its various fields and the applicability of its methodology to the students of Ceramic Art Dept. at the Arts Colleges، in accordance with the model of Stanford University "HPI Stanford", which is divided into five stages":
1-Living and identification with، 2-Defining the problem، 3-Proposing the solution through brainstorming، 4-The (initial) model and 5-Testing and assessment.
In addition to the possibility to and the method of applying these stages in practical in the field of designing، executing and teaching the ceramic art, through designing and making a group of ceramic souvenirs.
Despite the potentials of the design thinking in ceramic art field at the design artistic level، at the academic level and at the developmental economic level، there are very scarce researches addressing this concept in the ceramic art.
The research addresses the way to apply the design thinking methodology to upgrade the competence of the ceramic art students and develop their design, personal and creative skills (the 21st century skills) to keep pace with the real requirements of the job market. 
The research aims at presenting a methodology for applying the design thinking in the field of teaching، designing and performing ceramic art، in order to develop creativity، innovation and the 21st century skills.
The research supposed that the development of student's creativity and skills, through the ceramic art program and curricula at the higher education colleges and the arts department، can be done by applying the project-based design thinking concept (Design Thinking Project Based Learning – DTPBL).
As a successful method for teaching، designing and execution at the same time، which can develop the student at the creative، innovative، professional and personal levels.
The research sample consisted of 25 female students of the second year- the fourth level at the art education department، Taibah University in Madina، the KSA، during the academic year 2018-2019.
The research adopted the descriptive analytical approach for its theoretical frameworks and the semi-experimental approach for the practical framework


Main Subjects

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