Folk Heritage and its Effect on the Wall Colors of the Interior Space of Economic Popular Housing and Take Advantage of it to Develop Unsafe Areas with the Initiative of a Decent Life


Assistant Professor, Department of Interior Design and Furniture, Faculty of Applied Arts, Beni Suef University


safe and stable. Our human record is the heritage and history of the peoples. This creates incentives for creativity and renewal for the interior designer and furniture with solid assets.
 The human outcome is the heritage and history of peoples. Heritage is a mediator that links the past with the present, including the elements of the life of the community, regardless of its various components of activities, customs, traditions and economy. And when we want to see a true, vivid picture of our history, we find it in the features of our popular societal heritage rooted in our daily life and conscience.
In a difficult period that passed through our dear homeland, Egypt, before that, residential slums were sneaking in to appear, so they announced themselves and their birth in broad daylight and clearly. Others are adjacent to the buildings, thus becoming areas that are difficult to access services and difficult to control, until the right decision came from our Egyptian state to provide a decent life worthy of their humanity and to establish and provide alternative housing for the people of these areas.
The study assumes that the development of unsafe popular areas adjacent to the ring road that connects the governorates of Greater Cairo showed us color paintings from inside the houses in a contiguous manner that we did not see or expect. With the possibility of highlighting and converting these modifications into artistic paintings.
This study examines how to take advantage of these folklore, which represent the culture of the community, and aims to confirm and consolidate identity and belonging, and to devise color groups used for popular areas and some heritage vocabulary to help create ideas for interior design and exterior design for residential buildings that bear in essence the Egyptian features, relying on folk art to develop Unsafe areas within the initiative of a decent life.
The study recommends the use of the proposed color groups in the national projects, with a review of the retroactive effect of the current and proposed colors on the housing units of social housing communities and the Decent Life initiative to develop unsafe areas and transform scenes resulting from demolition works for homes in these areas into artistic aesthetic paintings using the same colors derived from them.


Main Subjects

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