Applying the Actual Dynamics Method in Dynamic Architecture to Fashion Design


1 Professor, Department of Ready-made Garments - College of Applied Arts - Helwan University

2 Professor and Head of Interior Design and Furniture Department Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

3 Professor, Department of Ready-made Garments - Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research

4 Lecturer - Department of Ready-made Garments - Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University


The modern era has witnessed a great development in technology and human thought, as many design trends have emerged that sought to meet human requirements, including dynamic design, as movement or actual dynamism has become one of the most important features of this technological development, which made the designer seeks to introduce it as one of the design elements, so the current research aims to create a fashion trend based on dynamic thought, by analyzing the dynamic architecture, its types and methods of movement that characterizes it, and then preparing an applied study to benefit from it in fashion design.
         In this context, a number of design groups for girls’ clothes were inspired by the actual movement in dynamic architecture, and an opinion poll was conducted on a sample of (150) consumer girls from various governorates to measure their acceptance of the proposed designs.
         Overall, the results of this study indicated that girls in the youth stage prefer to wear clothes that have an aesthetic appearance and advanced ideas, especially dynamic or moving ones, which are among the most important features of dynamic architecture, and the results indicated that design No.(7) in the third design group had the highest degrees acceptance and quality labs, and some designs that received the highest levels of acceptance were implemented.       
         The study recommended the necessity of deepening the study of architecture, including "dynamic architecture" and linking it to fashion design in particular, as it is a rich source of inspiration.


Main Subjects

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