The Effect of Some Sewing Variables on The Quality of Sewing Heat Resistant Fabric


1 PhD student at the Department of Fashion and Textile at King Abdulaziz University / Lecturer at the Department of Fashion Design at um Al-Qura University

2 Professor of Clothing Manufacturing, Department of Fashion and Textile, King Abdulaziz University


The clothing and textile industry has advanced recently; this development includes industries related to the production of protective fabrics, especially the production of heat-resistant fabrics. Despite that, there is a need to pay attention to raising the quality and efficiency of the final product of clothing made of heat-resistant fabrics by studying some quality elements affecting the Sewability of protective textiles and determining the relationship between some elements such as needle size, thread number, stitch density, fabric properties with the sewing tensile strength and sewing efficiency of heat-resistant fabrics.
            This study followed the quasi-experimental approach, where (24) samples were implemented using two types of fabrics made of aramid fibers, sewing needle No. (80-90), stitch density No. (10 stitches/inch– 12 stitches/inch), sewing threads made of 100% of aramid fibers. A number of physical and mechanical tests have been conducted according to the standard specifications where the effect of these variables on sewing tensile strength and efficiency has been determined.
            This research concluded that the sewing tensile strength was non-statistically significant in terms of the effect of needle size, stitch density and fabric properties. However, the sewing tensile strength has shown to be statistically significant in terms of the effect of the thread number. It also proven that the sewing efficiency ratio was non-statistically significant in terms of the effect of the needle size and stitch density, while the percentage of sewing efficiency was statistically significant in terms of the effect of the thread number and the properties of the fabric.


Main Subjects

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