Study to Theory of Chaos and its effect of the Decorative Design of the Inner Space


1 Demonstrator, Department of Decoration, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University

2 Professor, Department of Metal Products and Ornaments Former Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

3 Lecturer, Department of Decoration Faculty of Applied Arts Damietta University


The decorative design in the inner space is essential for study and scientific research and this for the human's continued quest to reach beauty, so the applied study was created for the service of humans. Going deeper in chaos theory we find that it comes to explain random events, lay the scientific basis for them, and cancel the idea of randomness in the universe, so it comes to indicate that there is a hidden perfection in everything. Everything around us is subject to a law and nothing happens by chance, as chaos theory emphasizes the inherent system in the uniform behavior of similar systems.
Hence the idea of the research came, which is a study of the effect of chaos theory on the decorative design in the inner space.
 Research Problem:

The research problem lies in the permanent need to control the inner space through the decorative design inspired by the chaos theory.
Non optimal exploitation for combined studies between different sciences.
The Difficulty for the design facing the random variables of the behavior of individuals within the space.

Research aims:
The application of chaos theory in the inner space to achieve the aesthetic values for the inner space.
Research hypotheses:
The research assumes that practical studies of mathematical and philosophical theories can be in providing creative solutions in the decorative design of the interior space.
Results and Recommendations:

The chaos theory attempts to understand the behavior that some people think that it is random and to set laws and rules based on this behavior, which contributes to directing the behavior of individuals within the space according to the achievement of aesthetic values through design.
Interpreting the properties of surfaces in their functional scope and being able to adapt them to the basic visuals of chaotic manifestations.
Chaos theory is not a law or standard that can be measured physically, but it has enabled us to analyze complex behaviors and systems in nature.
The researcher recommends conducting researches on all modern and emerging systems and theories and adapting them in the design process.

The researcher recommends the necessity of combining both scientific theories and the applied field of design in order to be able to keep pace with global developments in design processes


Main Subjects

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