The Impact of Advanced Technologies for Sustainable Lighting in the Light of Environmental Variables on the Design of the Space


Assistant Professor, Department of Interior Design and Furniture - Faculty of Applied Arts - 6th of October University


The world went through various changes in the twenty-first century, and these variables varied in all aspects (health, environmental, economic,.) and these variables affected the technique of employing the three principles of sustainability in design, environmental, economic or social, and these principles are the basis for when The design of any interior space is integrated, environmentally compatible and responsive to the design, environmental and human requirements from all directions, whether formative or functional. As a result of these variables, the necessity has emerged to re-study many techniques to employ lighting in its two parts, whether natural or industrial, in the interior space, in order to re-employ it structurally and functionally to suit those The environmental changes that have swept the world in the current century, and to activate this, the most important design determinants of natural and artificial lighting were identified according to the current situation,  On the rest of the elements of the interior space, both structurally and functionally, and to activate this vision, the researcher presented A set of proposals to use lighting formative and functional to achieve full compatibility between it and the rest of the elements of the interior space, where the importance of using environmental lighting with its modern advanced techniques to respond to the design, human and environmental requirements and linking them to all elements of the environmentally sustainable interior space in line with the concepts of recycling of environmental materials, and emphasizing the need to reduce carbon and harmful emissions and save energy.


Main Subjects

  1. الرسائل العلمية :
  2. [ 1 ] رهام إيهاب خليل: التصميم الداخلي المستدام بتطبيق نظام تقييم LEED ، رسالة ماجستير غير منشورة، بقسم التصميم الداخلي والأثاث، كلية الفنون التطبيقية، جامعة حلوان، 2016 م، ص 13 .

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    -  المجلات العلمية :

    [11] أماني أحمد مشهور هندي،  تأثير استخدام التكنولوجيا الحديثة علي سلوك اإلنسان في الفراغات الداخلية ، مجلة الفنون والعلوم التطبيقية ، المجلد الخامس العدد الثالث يوليو 2018، ص47

    [12]د/ ياسر علي معبد فرغلي. د/ أحمد اسماعيل أحمد عواد ،عايدة أسعد محمد عيسى : مفهوم االستدامة كمرجعية فكرية ألعمال كريم رشيد )دراسة حالة منزل كومب( ، مجلة الفنون والعلوم التطبيقية ، المجلد السادس العدد الثاني ابريل 2019، ص43


    - المواقع الالكترونية :

    5. -pdf.html